< 返回上一页近日,清华大学、普渡大学和复旦大学附属华山医院(以下简称“华山医院”)合作研究在Analytical Chemistry杂志上发表了一篇名为“Point-of-Care Tissue Analysis Using Miniature Mass Spectrometer”的文章(点击查看原文),首次将大气压原位电离及小型质谱仪用于人体组织的临床检测(POCT)应用开发,充分展示小型质谱系统未来应用于医疗检测领域的巨大潜力。
清华大学欧阳证、瑕瑜教授与普渡大学R. Graham Cooks教授长期合作,致力于小型质谱系统、原位采样电离及脂质分析方法的开发,此次与华山医院副院长毛颖教授及神经外科花玮教授合作,使用小型质谱系统对神经胶质瘤成功地进行了精准分析检测。神经胶质瘤发病率高,恶性率高,手术治疗既要尽可能去除肿瘤,又要减少对大脑功能的损伤。使用原位采样离子化小型质谱分析系统,可快速实时检测组织活检样品中的恶性神经胶质瘤代谢标志物—2-羟基戊二酸(2-HG),提供精准分子信息,辅助外科医师制定手术方案。
组织中的脂质分析对寻找疾病标记物和临床检测也有着重要意义,Nature Methods曾专文讨论(查看文章)并报导清华团队在脂质结构解析(查看文章)及小型质谱应用方面的工作。在本文中,研究团队使用小型质谱,准确、快速的分析出大鼠脑、肾和肝组织样本中的脂类物质,并引入光化学反应实现了不饱和脂质异构体的快速识别,区分小鼠正常乳腺组织和癌组织,作为潜在的癌症诊断的临床新方法。
The combination of direct sampling ionization and miniature mass spectrometer presents a promising technical pathway of point-of-care (POC) analysis in clinical applications. In this work, a miniature mass spectrometry system was used for analysis of tissue samples. Direct tissue sampling coupled with extraction spray ionization was used with a homebuilt miniature mass spectrometer, Mini 12. Lipid species in tissue samples were well profiled in rat brain, kidney and liver in a couple of minutes. By incorporating a photochemical (Paternò–Büchi, PB) reaction, fast identification of lipid C=C location was realized. Relative quantitation of the lipid C=C isomer was performed by calculating the intensity ratio C=C diagnostic product ions, by which FA 18:1 (Δ9)/FA 18:1 (Δ11) was found to change significantly in mouse cancerous breast tissue samples. Accumulation of 2-hydroxylglutarate (2-HG) in human glioma samples, not in normal brains, can also be easily identified for rapid diagnosis.